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This is a traditional worship service in the sanctuary using the Lutheran Book of Worship. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and second Sunday of each month as wellContinue Reading
The First Word worship services are recorded and submitted to KDUZ to be aired the following Sunday at 8 a.m.
The First Word Service is broadcast live on HCVN Ch. 7 and on Mediacom on Ch. 7 each Sunday.
Sunday school is for pre-school (potty trained children) through sixth-grade.Sixth-grade students will participate in Holy Communion instruction after the first of the year. Confirmation classes are for students in 7thContinue Reading
Digging Deeper is an adult education hour on Sunday mornings. There are at least two options each week and you can find titles and topics in the monthly Faith MattersContinue Reading
To watch the pre-recorded service from the past Sunday you can tune into Nuvera: Ch. 10 or Mediacom: Ch. 8 at 10 a.m.
Sanctuary (blended music and liturgy style using With One Voice as a music resource), and Foundation (contemporary music) Worship Services (simultaneous, but distinct, worship services held at the same timeContinue Reading
Tune into HCVN Ch. 10 or Mediacom Ch. 8 to watch the service pre-recorded this morning.
Faith Lutheran offers an Electronic Giving program which many members choose to participate in and schedule their offerings.