Pastor Dave Wollan November 26, 2017 "Upon This Rock: A Royal Commitment" Matthew 25:31-46 ~ How does this interpretation of the Sheep and Continue Reading
Archives for November 2017
Thanksgiving “Turning Back”
November 23, 2017 Pastor Dave Wollan "Turning Back" Luke 17:11-19 Continue Reading
“Upon This Rock: Pull”
Pastor Scott Grorud November 19, 2017 "Upon This Rock: Pull" Matthew 25:14-30 ~ Was the third servant in Jesus' parable irresponsible, Continue Reading
“Upon This Rock: AIM”
Sermon by Pastor Dave Wollan Sunday, December 12, 2017 Luke 12:22-34 "Upon This Rock: AIM" ~ What is the aim of your Christian life? How does Continue Reading
Upon This Rock-Pledge Cards
Grandpa: Billy, did you forget to bring your "Upon This Rock" campaign pledge to church. Billy: Maybe . . . . Grandpa: Billy . . . . it Continue Reading
“Build – Upon This Rock”
Pastor Scott Grorud Sunday, November 5, 2017 Matthew 7:24-27 "Build - Upon This Rock" ~ What is the Continue Reading