Building FAITH is the mission statement for Faith Lutheran Church, and it’s much more than just a slogan.

It describes the amazing work God has done through our church through the years. It conveys our trust that God will amaze us even more in the future. It also calls all of us in this family of Faith to invest ourselves in the mission of bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to a world broken by sin.
What does Building FAITH mean?
This mission statement includes three different aspects of our church’s life:
- The ultimate purpose of every part of Faith’s ministry is to build up people’s faith in Jesus.
- To do that better, we are seeking to build up Faith Lutheran Church’s ministry and outreach.
- To grow and reach more people, Faith will need to build up the resources available to it.
Faith’s Five Mission Directives are:
Follow Jesus
Building FAITH calls us first and foremost to follow Jesus, our Good Shepherd. He calls us by name, first in Holy Baptism, and again and again through His Word, so that we might know His voice and follow Him in trust and obedience. We believe that God calls us to follow Jesus in every aspect of our lives. We seek through our ministry to equip people for a life of following Jesus and to support them through every stage of it.
Announce the Gospel
Building FAITH is our mission statement, but we know that it is only God who can do that kind of building. Romans 10:17 promises that whenever and wherever we announce the Gospel, the Holy Spirit is at work to create and sustain faith in Jesus Christ, a promise which calls us both to hear his Word and to proclaim it every chance we get. At Faith Lutheran Church, we believe the underlying purpose of everything we do, from worship to education to counseling, is to announce the Gospel.
Invite All People
Building FAITH is not only, or even chiefly, a concern for the health and strength of Faith Lutheran Church. It is the chief task of God’s kingdom. God wants to build faith in all people. He sends us out as his messengers to extend that invitation to those who do not know or trust him. A church must never exist for the sake of its members, but always see itself as a mission outpost, seeking the lost and inviting sinners.
Teach Christian Truth
Building FAITH includes not only a concern that we believe, but also a deep concern for what we believe. Since the time of Jesus, discerning whether teachings about him are true or false has been an essential task and it is no less important today. We are all called to learn the faith as deeply and accurately as we can. At Faith Lutheran Church, we are committed to teaching Christian truth with theological integrity and in accordance with the Lutheran Confessions.
Help All Who Are In Need
Building FAITH mostly concerns spiritual issues: forgiveness of sin, faith in Christ, resurrection from the dead, eternal life. But that doesn’t mean God is somehow unconcerned about the physical well-being of his creatures. God created this world and remains deeply invested in it. He calls us to share his concern for the world and to seek the well-being of all people. At Faith Lutheran, we are committed to expressing the love of God in actions as well as words, showing and speaking the goodness of Jesus Christ.
For more information about the ministry opportunities at Faith Lutheran, check out the “Get Involved” tab at the top of the screen. There is information there about our kids, youth, missions, and other ministries. For more information about our church, contact a staff member or call the church office at 320-587-2093.
Faith Lutheran Church is a member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ and the Augustana District of LCMC.