Since at least the seventh century, Ash Wednesday has been observed as the first day of Lent. The name is taken from the ancient tradition of placing ashes on the foreheads of penitents. Ash Wednesday remains the day of the year most focused on repentance.
Ashes are used because they symbolize beginnings and endings. In the beginning, we were created from the dust in love. They are also a symbolic reminder of our mortality. In the end, we will all return to the dust. The ashes also symbolize our new beginning in Christ. Through Word and Sacrament, God is beginning again to re-create the human heart. The past is forgiven; a new start is given. And at the end of time, there is resurrection. Out of the dust, God will again create from our ashes a life that death cannot touch.
Noon and a 6:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday services are offered at Faith Lutheran on March 5, 2014. Join us!