For many parents and children, the thought of going back to school in the fall is not a pleasant one. Many dread the return because of the pressure of not having all the required school supplies that are on the list. Common Cup Ministry and the Salvation Army would like to make going back to school easier.
The goal for the Back to School Drive is to assure that all children in need, living in McLeod County, will return to school this fall with the basic supplies needed for the school year.
The Salvation Army has purchased 400 backpacks. We are so thankful for their participation in the drive.
We are asking that you purchase supplies from the list below and drop off at Faith Lutheran. There will be a box for supplies outside the office area. Monetary donations are also accepted and will be used to purchase supplies not donated.
- #2 pencils
- erasers
- 4 oz. bottles of glue
- glue sticks
- pencil boxes & bags
- plastic pocket folders
- spiral notebooks
- scissors
- rulers
- boxes of colored markers
- loose leaf paper
- boxes of colored pencils
- highlighting markers
- protractors
- compasses
- calculators
- 3-ring binders
- black fine line Sharpie markers
- pencil sharpeners with covers
- pens (black, red, blue ink)
- water colors
- dry erase markers
- dictionary
- thesaurus
- backpacks
Registration forms are available in our church office and here. The form needs to be filled out completely and turned in or mailed to the Common Cup office no later than August 5.
If you have any questions, please call Geri Johnson at 587-6733 or email Geri at [email protected].