Christmas Worship Services
Service Orders:
[button link=”” target=”_blank”]2 p.m. Sanctuary[/button] [button link=”” target=”_blank”]2 p.m. Foundation[/button] [button link=”” target=”_blank”]4 p.m. Sanctuary[/button] [button link=”” target=”_blank”]4 p.m. Foundation[/button] [button link=”” target=”_blank”]6 p.m. INDOOR Service[/button] [button link=”” target=”_blank”]11 p.m. Sanctuary[/button] [button link=”” target=”_blank”]10 a.m. Christmas Day[/button] [button link=”” target=”_blank”]Thank you to all who donated Poinsettia’s[/button]Christmas Eve Worship Services
Thursday, December 24
2:00 p.m. Family Worship Services
Two similar, simultaneous services, in the Sanctuary (live on Facebook) and the lower level Foundation space.
4:00 p.m. Candlelight Worship Services
Two simultaneous services with two different styles. Contemporary Service in the Foundation and a more traditional style in the Sanctuary (live on Facebook, KDUZ, and recorded for HCVN channel 7 at 6 p.m. and channel 10 at 10 p.m.)
6:00 p.m. Outdoor Worship – WATCH FOR UPDATES LATE WEDNESDAY
Gather with the animals around the manger and worship the newborn King. (weather permitting)
11:00 p.m. Candlelight Worship with Holy Communion (live on Facebook)