Pastor Scott Grorud
A Simple Way: The Power and Problem of Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Gospel Text: Luke 11:1-4, 9-13
What Does This Mean?
- How have you experienced prayer—easy, difficult, meaningful, mystifying … ?
- Why does praying seem to be difficult for many people?
- In the rhythm of the catechism, what essential role does prayer play?
- In the Lord’s Prayer, what does Jesus teach or remind us of as we pray?
A Simple Way: The Lord’s Prayer
Week 4 Devotional Questions for Discussion at Home
Adults: What does it mean to you that we address God as our Father?
Question for families with older children: What are positive attributes of a father? How does God posses those?
Question for families with younger children: What is a dad?
Adults: How is God’s name kept holy among us?
Question for families with older children: What is something you view as special in your life? What would happen if it was taken away?
Question for families with younger children: How do you take care of something that is really special to you?
Adults: What does it mean that in the Lord’s Prayer we are praying against ourselves?
Question for families with older children: The Lord’s Prayer calls us to the carpet on how we forgive and are forgiven, why is this important to note?
Question for families with younger children: What do you think God wants in this world?
Adults: What “daily bread” has God provided for you today?
Question for families with older children: What is something you have every day that you take for granted?
Question for families with younger children: What do you need to survive?
Adults: How are you tempted to false belief? How does God guard and protect you?
Question for families with older children: Can you think of a time you have been tempted? Can you think of a time when God has protected you from a temptation?
Question for families with younger children: How are you protected by sunny, rainy, or snowy weather? How are you protected from getting your feelings hurt?