Radio Broadcast (Pre-Recorded from previous week)
Radio Broadcast (Pre-Recorded from previous week)
The First Word worship services are recorded and submitted to KDUZ to be aired the following Sunday at 8 a.m.
New Member Orientation begins Sunday, Oct. 13, at 9:15 a.m. Contact the church office if you are interested in more information on how to join Faith Lutheran Church. Contact Us
The First Word worship services are recorded and submitted to KDUZ to be aired the following Sunday at 8 a.m.
The First Word Service is broadcast live on HCVN Ch. 7 and on Mediacom on Ch. 7 each Sunday.
To watch the pre-recorded service from the past Sunday you can tune into Nuvera: Ch. 10 or Mediacom: Ch. 8 at 10 a.m.
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
The First Word worship services are recorded and submitted to KDUZ to be aired the following Sunday at 8 a.m.
The First Word Service is broadcast live on HCVN Ch. 7 and on Mediacom on Ch. 7 each Sunday.
To watch the pre-recorded service from the past Sunday you can tune into Nuvera: Ch. 10 or Mediacom: Ch. 8 at 10 a.m.
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
The First Word Service is broadcast live on HCVN Ch. 7 and on Mediacom on Ch. 7 each Sunday.
The First Word worship services are recorded and submitted to KDUZ to be aired the following Sunday at 8 a.m.
To watch the pre-recorded service from the past Sunday you can tune into Nuvera: Ch. 10 or Mediacom: Ch. 8 at 10 a.m.
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
The First Word worship services are recorded and submitted to KDUZ to be aired the following Sunday at 8 a.m.
The First Word Service is broadcast live on HCVN Ch. 7 and on Mediacom on Ch. 7 each Sunday.
To watch the pre-recorded service from the past Sunday you can tune into Nuvera: Ch. 10 or Mediacom: Ch. 8 at 10 a.m.
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
The First Word worship services are recorded and submitted to KDUZ to be aired the following Sunday at 8 a.m.
The First Word Service is broadcast live on HCVN Ch. 7 and on Mediacom on Ch. 7 each Sunday.
To watch the pre-recorded service from the past Sunday you can tune into Nuvera: Ch. 10 or Mediacom: Ch. 8 at 10 a.m.
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
Faith Lutheran offers an Electronic Giving program which many members choose to participate in and schedule their offerings.