A new Bible Study called LeadHERship is beginning next week at Faith Lutheran. Bring your lunch, your book or e-reader, and a friend.
This Bible Study/luncheon meets at Faith twice per month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 12-1pm (first meeting is May 21). We will meet to develop Christian leadership skills for work, home, and in relationships. We will start with a study on the book Visioneering by Andy Stanley, which is focused on the book of Nehemiah in the Bible.
This is about building female leaders in the community of Hutchinson to make our community better, strong, more gracious. Please speak with Jessi Wendland (320-223-0187 or [email protected]) with questions! Weekly commitment isn’t mandatory; this is an open forum.
What to bring: your lunch, Visioneering (book)