Good News. Great Joy. Spread the Word! Such were the angel’s message and song to shepherds on the hillside. It is the same message for us. Jesus and His gift of salvation are too good to keep to ourselves.
We share the Good News many ways. One of them is through “Operation Christmas Child,” for which we fill shoeboxes with delightful things to arouse excitement for Jesus in the hearts of children all over the world. Children receiving boxes are told that it is the love of God, through Jesus’ birth and saving love on the cross and from the empty tomb, that make these gifts possible.
We hope you will consider putting boxes together again this year. If you have some, but not all of the materials for assembly, be sure to bring them to the church. You can bring completed boxes or simple articles to put in the boxes. Pick up a brochure in the narthex, church office or gathering space. If you can’t find them, ask the office. The brochures spell out exactly how the boxes must be assembled, boys and girls differently, and for specific age levels. Following the brochure makes it easy. Here’s what you can do:
- Pick up a brochure.
- Fill a box following the brochure’s instructions.
- OR, bring articles for children for others to pack (again, see the brochure for what can or can’t be included in the box).
- Opt to provide cash to help pay shipping costs (each box costs $ 7.00 to ship). If you make out a check for $ 7.00 or $ 14.00, etc., make it out to “Samaritan’s Purse.”
- Pray! Pray for the Name of Jesus to shine through the gifts.
Remember the deadline: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10. Dean Dietel will pick up the boxes for shipping on November 11.
Bring everything related to Operation Christmas Child to the church office: completed boxes, cash gifts, articles for boxes.
On Wednesday, November 6, beginning at 9am, FLC Seniors are invited to work with Release time students to pack shoe boxes together. Let Pastor Pilgrim or Kacie Fahey know if you can share your time and serve your Lord in this activity. To read more about Operation Christmas Child, click here.