This, the 2nd day of the Three Days of Prayer, is a day of petition. Pray for our congregation, for the pastors, for the leaders, for those who carry out ministries, for the Sunday School teachers, for the Confirmation leaders, for those leading adult Bible studies and for those leading small groups. Pray for those in hospital and nursing home ministries. Pray for all those connected to our church that they might know God’s redeeming love for all in Christ. Please join us on this evening (Wed. Jan. 8) for prayer services at 12:00 noon and 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
A prayer for Wednesday evening:
Holy Father, We glorify Your name because You give rest to the weary. Strengthen this night all who are worn from the burdens of labor. Relieve through Him who died for all those who are sick and dying. Comfort with the news of the Resurrection those who mourn. Counsel with the wisdom of Your love those who are in difficulty. Cheer with the joy of salvation those who are depressed. Renew with the assurance of Your presence those who are lonely. Send the angels of Your mercy to those who are distressed. Reach out to all men and women this night with the healing and redeeming love of Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The prayer from Wednesday morning:
Gracious Lord, Your mercies are new to us every morning. Great is Your faithfulness. We thank You for refreshing sleep and for Your watchful care during the night. With Your all-seeing eye upon us, protect us from harm this day. Help us to think, desire, speak, and do only what is right and pleasing to You. Keep us mindful of the many blessings we enjoy as citizens of our free country.
In these difficult times, O Lord, give wisdom and guidance especially to our President, to the members of his cabinet and of Congress, as well as to all who occupy places of public trust and positions of authority in our land. Cause them at all times to seek Your providential will, and give them courage to follow it.
Lead our citizens to turn to You in repentance and faith. If it be Your will, continue to bless us with abundant natural resources and material prosperity. But, above all, give us the grace to share them with the needy and with those in want throughout the world. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who had not place where to lay His head. Amen.
We also have prayers to lift up from Joy & Stephen Bennett, former members of Faith Lutheran and current missionaries working at a school in Nigeria:
Pray for our students and staff as they return to school on January 5 for term two.
Pray for students to enroll for next year (publicity will start in January).
Pray for an English teacher for next year, and other staff.
Pray for balance between school, family and quiet times.
What are you praying for today? Comment on this post, comment on our Facebook page, or tweet @FaithLutheran. Look for more prayers to come, as the 3 Days of Prayer continue, Jan. 7-9.