The Faith Greenhouse Internship Community Project is moving forward!
Wednesday, August 3, 2022, 93 members of Faith Lutheran attended the special congregational meeting to decide whether to purchase the home at 144 2nd Avenue SE. Information was presented on Faith’s proposed new Greenhouse Internship Community and details about the home. (If you were not able to attend the meeting and would like to know more about either of those topics, ask the pastors.)
Those present asked many insightful questions, before voting on the proposed purchase by written ballot. The tally was 79 in favor of purchasing the home and 10 opposed to it, a passing margin of 89%. The purchase will now be completed within the next 7-10 days. Thank you to all who participated in making this important decision!
Watch for more information on how this home will be used as a place for ministry. Also, the house does need some cleaning and repair. As you are able, please pitch in on scheduled workdays or wherever you can to help spruce up this exciting addition to Faith’s mission resources!
What was the purpose of this meeting?
Faith Lutheran’s church council called this special congregational meeting to decide whether or not to purchase a home at 144 2nd Ave SE. The church can only acquire real estate by a vote of the congregation.
Who can attend the meeting?
All members and friends of Faith Lutheran are welcome to attend; however, only members of the church who are at least 18 years old are eligible to vote.
Why is the church considering this purchase?
This is part of an innovative effort called Faith Greenhouse that will host seminarians and other young adults who are curious about ministry in a year-long internship. They will be embedded in intentional community and immersed in the rich variety of congregational ministries at Faith Lutheran Church. To support that intentional community and in lieu of wages, the church would provide housing for the interns, which this house would accommodate very well.
Why is Faith Lutheran attempting this rather than traditional seminaries?
Sadly, many long-standing Lutheran seminaries have become theologically unreliable. Newer, reliable seminaries teach almost entirely on-line, which lacks the benefits of student community. Faith Greenhouse is an attempt to bridge that gap, so that interns can pursue sound theological training on-line while living in faithful community and receiving hands-on, practical ministry training in the church.
Why this particular house?
Several reasons: 1) it has a size and design that would accommodate a group of young adults; 2) it is only two blocks from the church, within easy walking distance; 3) it is affordable, especially in today’s real estate market; 4) despite its age and need for some upgrades, it seems to be structurally sound.
What is the cost and how would Faith pay for it?
The current owners are intrigued by the Faith Greenhouse vision and have agreed to sell the house for $169,000, about $20,000 below the list price. The congregation has given about $85,000 to the Faith Forward: 150K for the 150th Anniversary campaign that began last fall and a generous donor stepped forward with an additional $100,000 pledge, so the church can purchase the home outright with no borrowing and no use of General Fund or Upon This Rock+ capital campaign monies. There will also be some funds remaining for needed repairs or upgrades on the house.
Are there interns ready to enter Faith Greenhouse this fall?
We have one possible candidate, although we would hope for more. If housing is in place, it would help in recruiting others to participate.
How would the ongoing costs of the house be paid?
Faith’s annual budget would have to cover some regular expenses, such as utilities and insurance. Those who live in the house would be responsible for cleaning and other basic care. A Greenhouse task force has been formed, which would provide general oversight of the property.
I would like more information. Where can I find it?
Talk to the pastors or to John Olsen, the congregational president.