Ash Wednesday services were rescheduled to Thursday at 4 and 6:30 p.m.
The Ministry Team and Church Council meetings scheduled for tonight (Feb. 21) have been postponed to next Tuesday (Feb. 28)
Ensembles (Ringers and Singers) on Tuesday and Wednesday are postponed to (tentatively) Thursday at 5 p.m.
Release Time and 56er’s on Wednesday will be cancelled since school is closed on Wednesday.
The Thursday Men’s Bible study has been cancelled.
The Seniors’ Potluck and Caregiver Support Group scheduled for Thursday (Feb. 23) are both being postponed but a reschedule date has not been set yet.
The FACe Cancer Support group has been cancelled and will resume on the regular March 9 date.
More to come as we see what the weather does. Stay Warm and Safe!