The Ringers of Faith are looking for a couple new members, so we asked the current members why they love to ring.
Shari Dorival is in her 12th year as a Ringer of Faith. She began ringing after responding to a “help wanted” ad in a church bulletin.
“I got ‘hired’ even though I had never read music before,” she said.
Shari said it is rewarding to hear the progression from the first sight reading of a piece to a beautiful musical performance in church.
“I think every time we play, no matter how well we played, we get compliments from members,” Shari said, “and that makes it very easy to stand up there and ring.”

For Shari, the best part about ringing is the new friends she has made. She loves the laughs and on-going jokes the group shares.
No experience is required to become a Ringer, although being able to count to 4 helps. Monday evening practices are at 5:15pm.
Interested, but want to know more? Come to the Intro to Hand Bells course offered during Digging Deeper (9:15am on Sundays: Feb. 24 to March 24, 2013). All women who have considered ringing, but want to try it first, are welcome!