Did you know… there are only 12 days left of 2012? As a final touch to our focus on giving in 2012 (“Give-12“), we’re mailing out a “Joy to the World” offering envelope. Members of Faith should receive the envelopes in a couple of days. As you consider your Christmas offering or end of the year gift to Faith Lutheran, we are calling on all members and friends of the church.The “Joy” offering envelopes will also be available in the announcement bulletins and in the pews now through January 31.
We hope you’ve heard by now, either from reports in the weekly bulletins or from our “Financial Forecaster” Ian McDonald, that Faith Lutheran is facing a significant shortfall in offerings this year. We hope that many of you will respond to this CRITICAL NEED. God has blessed us and called us indeed to bring JOY to the world. We ask that you prayerfully consider a one-time, extra, or catch-up JOY OFFERING to help us meet our mission commitments and ministry goals.
Learn more about just some of the ministries of Faith Lutheran: Youth, Kids, Missions, Sermons