Q: When Jesus knew they were coming to arrest him, why didn’t he run? A: Great question! In his place, I’m pretty sure I would have. Jesus Continue Reading
Archives for March 2013
A Christian Passover Seder
The Friday morning Women's Bible Study groups held a Christian Passover Seder meal on Fri. March 22. The Christian version of the Jewish Passover Continue Reading
Discerning the Call
At the conclusion of worship on March 24, I announced that I have received a “Letter of Call” from a new mission start-up church called New Creation Continue Reading
This morning Sharon Romo, a frequent volunteer at Faith Lutheran, dropped off donations to the McLeod County Emergency Food Shelf. We have collected Continue Reading
That Is the God for Me!
Lent concludes this month with Holy Week. It starts out on March 24 with Palm Sunday, the day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem to shouts of “Hosanna!” Continue Reading
KidPower: “Spring” Break
KidPower -- our program for children when there is a scheduled day off from school -- was held at Faith Lutheran in February during Hutchinson's Continue Reading