Sixth Sunday of Easter Sermon by Jeff Amundson, Seminarian May 26, 2019 "Clarity & Plain Talk" John 16:23-33 Continue Reading
Archives for May 2019
“To See and Be Seen”
Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter May 19, 2019 Pr. Scott Grorud John 16:12-22 "To See and Be Seen" 1) How does "the Spirit of truth" guide us Continue Reading
Youth Summer Activities at FLC
VBS Link: Mystery Bus Link: Continue Reading
“Infuriatingly Good News”
Sermon from Sunday, May 12, 2019 by Pastor Scott Grorud "Infuriatingly Good News" John 10:22-39 1) Why do you think Jesus refused to answer Continue Reading
What Do We Do Now?
Bless the Years Sunday May 5, 2019 Sermon by Pr. Paulus Pilgrim John 21:1-19 1) Why did Jesus come to the disciples while they were fishing? 2) Continue Reading