Sunday, December 24, 2017
Fourth Sunday in Advent Services
8 a.m. First Word Service
10:10 a.m. Combined Sanctuary and Foundation Service
(Sunday School and Digging Deeper will resume on Sunday, January 7, 2018)
Christmas Eve Services
2 p.m. Family Candlelight Worship Service
4 p.m. Two Simultaneous Candlelight Worship Services in the Sanctuary and Foundation
(Please consider parking in the neighboring parking lots and on the street if you are able, allowing the elderly and those with
small children to park closer. Thank you for your consideration!)
6 p.m. Candlelight Worship Service
11 p.m. Candlelight Worship Service with Holy Communion
Monday, December 25
Christmas Day Services
10 a.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion
(Note that the church offices will be closed all day.)
Sunday, December 31
New Year’s Eve Day
8 a.m. Worship
10:10 Combined Sanctuary and Foundation Service
(Sunday School and Digging Deeper will resume on Sunday, January 7, 2018)