
High School Free Lunch

Crosspoint (Shalom) Church

Churches in Hutchinson take turns providing a weekly lunch for high school students at Crosspoint Church. This time includes a brief devotion time for them. When it is Faith's turn to provide the meal Kristen will be reaching out for volunteers to help prepare, serve and clean up.  


Communion at the Oaks and Pines

Pastors from FLC and CtK rotate providing a monthly communion service at the Oaks and Pines the second Thursday of each month. Services are at 1:30 at the Oaks and 2 p.m. at the Pines. in 2023 Faith serves Jan/March/May/July/Sept/Nov


Bulletin Assembly

Office Conference Room

All are welcome to join this group of helping hands on Friday afternoons. They gather, put the bulletin announcements together, have coffee and laugh a lot.