Annual Reports are available for review now, you can pick-up from the office, the meeting is on January 26 at 12 noon. Sign-up for a Leap of Faith Gathering today by scrolling half-way down this page. Contact Us
This is a traditional worship service in the sanctuary using the Lutheran Book of Worship. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and second Sunday of each month as well as on some of the major church holy days.
The First Word worship services are recorded and submitted to KDUZ to be aired the following Sunday at 8 a.m.
The First Word Service is broadcast live on HCVN Ch. 7 and on Mediacom on Ch. 7 each Sunday.
Digging Deeper is an adult education hour on Sunday mornings. There are at least two options each week and you can find titles and topics in the monthly Faith Matters newsletter and weekly announcements.
Sunday school is for pre-school (potty trained children) through sixth-grade.Sixth-grade students will participate in Holy Communion instruction after the first of the year. Confirmation classes are for students in 7th and 8th -grade.
To watch the pre-recorded service from the past Sunday you can tune into Nuvera: Ch. 10 or Mediacom: Ch. 8 at 10 a.m.
Sanctuary (blended music and liturgy style using With One Voice as a music resource), and Foundation (contemporary music) Worship Services (simultaneous, but distinct, worship services held at the same time in the Sanctuary and Foundation basement space). Communion is celebrated in the Sanctuary on the first and second Sunday of each month and in theContinue Reading
Faith Lutheran offers a free community meal the second Sunday of each month. This meal is open to members and non-members alike. Volunteers are needed each month to prepare and serve this meal.
Tune into HCVN Ch. 10 or Mediacom Ch. 8 to watch the service pre-recorded this morning.
This Bible study will run the entire program year on Monday mornings. Bring a Bible and a writing utensil and come as often as you can for a dive into the book of Exodus.
This Book Club meets the second Tuesday of each month. In the summer they meet at 7 p.m. but during the winter months they meet in the afternoons. Contact Marsha Schmit for details on how to join, what book is currently being read, and what time the group is meeting this month.
Matins is a great way to start your day. The sanctuary is open to anyone who wants to participate in person and it is also broadcast via Facebook Live. These brief devotional times are led by staff and interns. On Tuesday and Thursday Matins includes a short devotion time as well as scripture readings andContinue Reading
This is a group that likes to move. They meet every Tuesday throughout the year to walk/exercise to a video. Once in a while when the weather is nice the take a little walk outside. After this light workout there is time to rehydate and visit for a bit. Any and all are welcome anytime.
This group meets weekly for one hour to pray for the church, the community, the world, etc. All are welcome to join on Tuesday's at 11 a.m. in the office conference room.
Prepare for next Sunday’s worship by studying the Bible texts with the pastor who will be preaching. Every Tuesday, all year, noon – 1 p.m. in the church office conference room. No commitment, just come when you can. This group meets all year long and you are welcome to bring your lunch if you areContinue Reading
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
A time to gether for prayer. You are invited to join the leading pastor in the sanctuary or tune in via Facebook live to participate.
Matins is a great way to start your day. The sanctuary is open to anyone who wants to participate in person and it is also broadcast via Facebook Live. These brief devotional times are led by staff and interns. On Tuesday and Thursday Matins includes a short devotion time as well as scripture readings andContinue Reading
The Faith Lutheran staff gathers weekly for a time of devotion, support, and planning.
The Pastoral Care (PC) Team meets weekly to review the needs of members who are homebound, hospitalized, etc.
Students will be bused from school to Faith around 2:30 where they will have "hang time" until 3:45 when they will have large group class which is followed by small group discussions from 5-5:30 p.m.
This weekly program is designed for students in fifth and sixth grade and their friends. Time will be spent in Bible study, playing games, having a snack and supervised social time. There will be bus transportation for sixth graders and the fifth graders will walk to Faith with a chaperone.
Open to children entering 2nd through 4th grade. This group meets on Wednesdays after school from 3:30 -5 p.m. in conjunction with the Confirmation and 56er’s calendar. If your child loves to sing, play instruments, or be involved in a music and worship centered activity, encourage them to join us as we play and learnContinue Reading
Wednesday nights beginning at 7 p.m. in the Youth Space at Faith Lutheran Church. We dig into the Bible, play games, and grow in comunity together. Completed 8th grade through high school seniors welcome!
Matins is a great way to start your day. The sanctuary is open to anyone who wants to participate in person and it is also broadcast via Facebook Live. These brief devotional times are led by staff and interns. On Tuesday and Thursday Matins includes a short devotion time as well as scripture readings andContinue Reading
A monthly time of Bible study led by Faith pastors at the Pines (2 p.m.) and Oaks (2:30 p.m.)
Are you a caregiver for an adult family member or friend? This monthly group is for you.
Pre-recorded service from the past Sunday (rotating between Sanctuary and Foundation Services: Nuvera Ch. 10, Mediacom Ch. 8
A Women's Bible study that meets Friday mornings year-round. This group digs into a variety of book and Bibles studies throughout the year.
A group of ladies who gather to study the Bible every Friday during the school/program year.
This group of volunteers gathers each week to but the service orders and announcements together into packets for Sunday morning. New hands are always welcome.
Faith Lutheran offers an Electronic Giving program which many members choose to participate in and schedule their offerings.