Last month, one of Faith’s confirmation groups were asked were asked : “In the beginning of Revelation, Jesus offers praises and criticisms to seven different churches. What would He say about our church home, Faith Lutheran?”
Here’s how they responded:
“Jesus would say that we have a strong youth [program]. We have a big congregation that spreads His word. Jesus would say that we sometimes don’t pay attention during confirmation and church. We would have way more praises than criticisms!”
“Lack of participation is something Jesus would say about our church. Something good Jesus would say is the way the pastors teach us.”
“Praises: great singing, great sermons. Criticism: lack of participation.”
“Jesus would say that we have a strong church with good and faithful people. Our youth are strong and excited to learn and be with God, but sometimes we are a little too energetic.”
“[He would say] it’s good, but more youth should be involved. More communication time [is needed]. People are to shepherd; the church should be one. It’s hard to comprehend the life after death.”
“Praises would be great singing, great sermons, strong youth group, great confirmation group. Criticisms would be distracted during confirmation, and too energetic sometimes.”
So, what do you think Jesus would say about our church home, Faith Lutheran?