We’re changing the way we look at offerings, tithing, and giving joyously at Faith Lutheran. Why? Well it all started last December, when the people of Faith Lutheran responded so generously to the Joy to the World offering that it allowed Faith to meet all her ministry commitments without borrowing. This marked the 4th straight year the church hasn’t had to borrow money at the end of the year.
Even then, there was still about $7,000 remaining after all ministry and mission commitments were paid, so at the Annual Meeting we asked attendees to vote on how to spend that surplus. Has our church ever before shared the joy of deciding how to spend extra money at the annual meeting?!? This was a huge milestone in the financial strength of Faith Lutheran!
Given that, the church council is challenging the church to develop a “budget—plus” mindset this year. That is, our goal starting out is not only to meet the spending plan approved for 2013, but to exceed it. We want to be able to vote on how to spend a surplus at next year’s annual meeting, too. One step in reaching that goal is to encourage members to give year round. In the past at Faith Lutheran, we have seen creative (and at times, silly) attempts to “meet the budget” in the last month(s) of the year. We do this to ensure we will meet the church’s ministry commitments. But what if the tremendous extra giving we see in December of each year was spread throughout the year?
That’s where High 5 comes in. Instead of one extra offering opportunity like Joy to the Word in December, there will be five opportunities throughout the year for “extra mile” giving in order to meet and exceed the 2013 spending plan. Just imagine if Faith came into next December with a much smaller budget need, yet received the same giving as last December! The congregation would again be able to decide how to share the overflowing blessings of God for the work of his kingdom!
The first will come with an Alleluia! offering at Easter. As God blesses you to support High 5 beyond your regular offerings, please join in the joy of budget plus giving.
2013 High-5 offerings: Alleluia! Offering (Easter) Pentecost Paydown (May) The Best Kind of Problem to Have (July) Back to (Sunday) School (September) Joy to the Word (December)