Our savior sacrificed life itself… Sacrificial giving to feed hungry, and even starving, children of God is in order. This November at Faith Lutheran, we’re stepping up our giving goals for people in need both close to home and far away.
Jesus says: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:3
We See It Before Our Eyes
1000 pounds of food goes out of the McLeod County Food Shelf daily. Last week, FLCĀ posted about our youth, who participated in Trick-or-Treat for the Food Shelf to help replenish empty shelves. Still, the more than 9,000 pounds of food gathered equals less than two week’s supply for the food shelf.
In addition to the food shelf’s needs, every other month Common Cup reaches out to 500 families in a major food distribution. They are initiating a monthly community breakfast at the McLeod County Fairgrounds, and they are inviting churches to initiate monthly community meals.
The Cries from Drought-Stricken East Africa Beg for Response
Over 1,000 stream into the Dadaab Refuge Camp daily. This camp was built for 90,000 and will soon be home to 500,000 desperate refugees. Mothers walking days to reach the camp must often leave behind children who have died along the way.
A breathtaking need met by sacrificial giving will make a huge difference.
The Challenge to Faith Lutheran Church:
Increase the giving goal to $10,000 for this Thanksgiving season. This doubles last years goal, and is a huge jump, but will provide assistance to those who need it. Here’s how:
- Our gifts will help the McLeod County Food Shelf provide food for families each month
- The increased donations will go a long way toward $2,000 needed for one food distribution through Common Cup
- We can help Food for Kids our of Stewart, Minnesota, deliver 1 million nutritious meals to the Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya
- The money willassist Lutheran World Relief, one of the most trusted agencies in meeting the needs of the hungry as they, too, work at the Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya
What would sacrifice mean for you? Pray about it. Have a family conversation. Decide to act.
Use the Mission Sunday Envelope, Thanksgiving Envelope or simply clearly mark your gift any time during November.
“This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you.”